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Formed as a trade union in 1916, SASBO’s primary objectives are to improve the conditions of service and protect the interests of its members, individually and collectively, in relation to their employers and otherwise, and generally to raise their status.

Operating in the South African finance sector, SASBO identifies with the ethics and conventions of finance professionals and has always encouraged sound industrial relations with employers and/or their organisations, with the intention of regulating conflict as peacefully and constructively as possible by endeavouring to settle disputes by conciliatory methods. The union has always been, and continues to be, committed to fair and honest dealings, and integrity, in its interaction with all its stakeholders, this in the fundamental belief that SASBO’s operation and business should be conducted honestly, fairly and within the parameters of labour and other laws.

Code Of Conducts

The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines “ethics” as:
“The science of morals in human conduct; moral philosophy; moral principles; rules of conduct.”

The New Collins Concise Dictionary defines “ethics” as:
“The philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct, and the rules and principles that ought to govern it; a code of behaviour considered correct, especially that of a particular group, profession or individual; the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, etcetera”.

SASBO, in line with good business practice, and following a resolution adopted by delegates attending the union’s 1998 national congress, now seeks to set out, formally, the principles of moral and ethical behaviour that are expected of its employees and elected office bearers in the performance of their functions and duties, and in pursuance of SASBO’s declared commitment to provide its members with a consistently outstanding and widespread range of labour relations services.

The following SASBO Code of Ethics is not a set of rules and regulations. It is a set of principles that has been designed to enable employees and elected office bearers to take part in the activities of SASBO in an ethical and transparent manner. SASBO’s Code of Ethics seeks to provide an ethical norm to the dealings of SASBO employees and elected office bearers and to create a professional milieu within which the union can fulfil its objectives and duties.

SASBO’s Code of Ethics, then, is designed to enable the union to achieve the following objectives:

  • Provide full-time employees and elected office bearers with a thorough understanding of their union’s traditions, principles and objectives.
  • Enable employees and elected office bearers to interact in a professional manner and direct their efforts towards benefiting all sections of SASBO’s diverse membership.
  • Adapt to ever-changing internal and external environments without compromising SASBO’s goals and principles Empower employees and elected office bearers to deal calmly and professionally with emotive issues that may arise at meetings of the union’s structures and during professional interaction with employers.
  • Promote democratic decision-making by fostering the fact that a successful democracy requires both discipline and acceptance of the majority view by those in the minority on any particular issue.
